среда, 20 апреля 2011 г.

MQ is here

Do you often dream about what the future will be like? We do. All the time. And we do our best to bring the future to our customers. For the last half a year everyone at IMEx III was running around with one thing on their lips "MQ!". What's MQ? Very simple, really. It's Mass Quality. The high quality products available to an increasing amount of customers. This is the future and we invite our friends to share it with us. Let's see if others can catch up =) 

We are popular. Fact.

We appreciate the attention... But what will happen when we really take over the world?)))

вторник, 19 апреля 2011 г.

Zolar wins the Best Sustainable Robot award at MIT Autonomous Robot Design competition
Breaking news:

Zolar, IMEx III’s last invention, just won the Best Sustainable Robot award at the prestigious MIT Autonomous Robot Design competition in Cambridge, USA. The solar-powered toy has been praised for its versatility, technological innovativeness and simplicity of use. Furthermore the robot boasts a huge potential for extra extentions and practical applications according to MIT’s current Provost and professor of Electrical Engineering L. Rafael Reif. It is a trendsetting example for sustainable education worldwide!

If you want to take a peak at IMEx III’s awesome and innovative products and enjoy some free quality snacks, meet us at the world-famous 2011 Imex Marketing Fair in auditoria 2.01/2.02 and on the roof terrace. An opportunity one couldn’t miss!

Going further.

IMEx III: Hey, guys, we decreased the prices even more without compromising on quality!
Competitors: No, you didn't!
IMEx III: Yes, we did! =)

Our toys for science? Super cool!

In case you don't know MIT has an annual robotics contest, where students sort out who's who in the world of engineering and programming. This year they approached us and asked if they could use Zolar and Yker as a platform for students' designs. 'Are you kidding? Of course you can!' we replied. So follow our blog, we'll keep you updated on that.

It's a wonderful life again!

Okay, we can't hide it anymore. We love you, guys. You are not just customers, you're our friends. So to celebrate our friendship we're going for a promotion. Check your favourite shop for our products with a discount. Life is getting better every day, doesn't it?

понедельник, 18 апреля 2011 г.

Arnold has joined our ad campaign. And yes, he's happy he has enough time to play with our toys. 

BTW, Arnold, we know that you're very attached to Yker, but now that you have more time check out our Zolar as well. Both toys are connectable and can be programmed to interact with each other!  

What is Zolar?

Have you heard about Zolar? Do you know what it can do? Well, it's a new innovative product we're offering. Want to know more? Check out your local toy store. It's so good you'll immediately know it's Zolar from IMEx III.

In the meanwhile, did you know that:
 - Electronic toys can increase your IQ by up to 15%*
 - 55% of children hate parents who don't buy them expensive toys**
 - IMEx three has the most innovative and best quality toys***
* - BS
** - also BS
*** - Absolutely true!

We are currently the best company to work for and a green producer as well. It's cool, but we are not going to stop there since we want to set new standards in the toy industry. We do not compromise on our dreams and values. But why waste your time on text when we have a song for you?


New promo

Oh, and while we're at it, here is a new poster from our celebrities series

Our own blog! It's about time!

Hey everyone!
We're starting our blog so that even those without a facebook page can follow our success and share our enthusiasm. Promo materials, exclusive discouts and, most importantly, info on the launches of our new products will be made available here.
So add us to your readers and other cool devices. Remeber with us it always pays to stay in touch)